The Downtown Development Authority of Bainbridge office is here to assist you in fulfilling your request for information in a professional and timely manner. Our office offers one-stop business assistance by having access to the Georgia Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network, data collection, marketing, incentive assistance, and connection to the City of Bainbridge permitting office.
Once you identify a tentative location for your business, contact the Zoning Department to determine the permitted uses of that location. Do not invest any money in a location until you know the location is properly zoned for your proposed use.
Downtown Bainbridge is located within a National Register Historic District. Any major material changes to the exterior of the structure require a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission. All work must be performed by a general licensed Georgia contractor. Permits are required before any work begins, and the fees are based on the total cost of construction. Any demolition to a structure also requires a separate permit.
An Occupational Tax Certificate, commonly referred to as a business license, is required to conduct business in the City of Bainbirdge. A business operating without an occupational tax certificate is subject to a legal penalty. The fee associated with an OTC varies depending on information such as gross receipts and proof of a state-regulated license. Occupational Tax Certificates are obtained and renrewed at City Hall.
Funded and administered by the Downtown Development Authority. Monies are available for exterior improvements only and may be applied to a front, side, or rear facade, provided the facade faces a public street or parking area. The program is designed to give property owners and business owners financial assistance for facade improvements.
Coffee + Conversations: Meet and mingle with your neighbors the first Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. at 205 E Broughton Street.
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Are there similar businesses in the area?
How is waste disposal handled?
What source of income will you have through startup?
When, where, and how you will market and advertise?
Can any of your supplies be purchased from a local vendor or producer?
Tax types and payments required by the Georgia Department of Revenue.
We strongly encourage local businesses to join the Bainbridge-Decatur County Chamber of Commerce for valuable promotions, programs, and resources available to new and existing businesses.